Hybrid Drive Systems Maintenance Hybrid Regular Vehicle Care


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Do hybrids need extra maintenance? No. Up-keep and preventive care? Yes, just as with any other vehicle. Here’s why:

 Experience tells us that nothing on earth is maintenance free, so to fall into the trap of thinking that any machine is “maintenance free”  is dangerous and potentially costly.

A word of caution about the internet and forums. There is lots of good information on the internet but we should use it as input data to our own algorithms to process the data into useful and rational decisions that allow us to act in our own best interest. The internet has little oversight as to the accuracy of the information that people put up.

Best practice when caring for the machines in your life is as follows;

  1. Read your owner’s manual.
  2. Do your own research.
  3. Align yourself with people you trust.

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Certifications & Memberships

We take pride in our certifications and adherence to the code of ethics for the Automotive Service Association (ASA), and The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).

Automotive Service Association (ASA) for auto shops
The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) for auto shops